A list.

1. Answer the questions on your blog
2. Take away one question you don't like and add a new one
3. Tag 5 other people

1. Which perfume do you use?
Dunno the names of them.

2. Song of the day?
Change of Heart - El Perro Del Mar

3. What's for dinner today?
Stekt spättafilé med potatis or Pasta Calypso med kebab.

4. Today's highlight?

5. What whould you really like to learn?

How to ignore feelings.

6. What was the last thing you bought?

7. What's your most important goal at the moment? 
Godkänt i matematik B. I have not asked for the results on the national test.

8. What's your plan for the future?
I have no idea, I like music and languages.

10. What's the colour of your eyes?
Grey and green or/and blue. I suppose.

11. If you could change something with yourself, what would that be?
At the moment, my hair.

12. If you could be anywhere in the world for the next hours, where would that be?
Paris or Barcelona, both are great cities.

13. What do you find important with your friends?
That they are trustworthy and somewhat interesting.

14. Who would you like to meet sometime?
Hmm. Hard one, I think that it would be someone in the music industry, someone like...Robyn or Lykke Li.

15. Would you like to have kids one day?
No idea, have not thought about it.

16. What's your favourite piece in your wardrobe?
Oh, my t-shirts for sure!

17. Do you have any favourite models?
Nope. Most of them are beautiful.

18. 3 things that make you smile?
My sister, good movies and goodie goood new music!

19. What's your favourite song ?
Can not decide.

20. What's your favourite tv-series?
Nip/Tuck, Mia och Klara, Grey's Anatomy and Desperate Housewives! (entertaining, :D)

21. What are you wearing at the moment?
A t-shirt from NK and jeans from Rydéns in Lidköping you know!

22. What's your favourite sweets?
Chocolate for sure, and sometimes something sour.

23. Who's your role model in life?
I would say anyone that stand their ground no matter what, kinda.

24. What is the last film you saw?
Pocahontas II, watching it right now to be exact.

25. What do you think of the one who tagged you?
I do not know her, just read her blog. ^^

Stay Listing // Cromeo


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